Machine Learning · Computer Vision · Data Science
Machine Learning researcher

Paolo Didier Alfano


About Me

My name is Paolo Didier Alfano
I am a machine learning postdoctoral researcher at Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), under the supervision of Lorenzo Rosasco and Francesca Odone.

Over the past five years, I have been focusing on machine learning methodologies with resource constraints. Recently, my research has also delved into diffusion models tailored for applications in robotics.

I completed my Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Genoa in 2023, working on machine learning methodologies applied to image analysis. Since the beginning of my Ph.D. I am affiliated to the MaLGa research group.

You can contact me on my personal email, paolo "dot" alfano "at" iit "dot" it


- 29/01/2024: our paper, Sim2Real Bilevel Adaptation for Object Surface Classification using Vision-Based Tactile Sensors got accepted at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2024

- 21/12/2023: our paper, Top-tuning: A study on transfer learning for an efficient alternative to fine tuning for image classification with fast kernel methods got accepted at the ImaVis journal, volume 142.

- 08/11/2023: I've presented our research on efficient machine learning methods with fast kernel classifier at the AIxIA conference

- 02/11/2023: our paper Sim2Real Bilevel Adaptation for Object Surface Classification using Vision-Based Tactile Sensors, submitted at ICRA2024, is now available on Arxiv

- 18/10/2023: I've presented the SDEdit approach at the MaLGa Computer Vision reading group. Slides are available here

- 20/09/2023: I've presented our research on efficient dataset distance measures at the PRIMO workshop

- 30/05/2023: Ph.D. defense at the Genoa University. Slides are available here, while the full thesis can be found here